Saturday, September 04, 2004

"The soft bigotry of low expectations." Absolute genius! You have go to give him credit for his gusto. If I were a swing voter I would most definitely be voting for W. I mean Kerry (Captain LongFace) responds to W's acceptance speech with this 30 minute bore-fest that could put a speed-addict to sleep. And Cpt. Long Face doesn't even pretend to answer some of the charges that W raised... To Kerry and any who support him: YOU ARE GOING TO LOSE!!! AND ITS YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT!!!!!

The dems could have easily won this election about a year ago... At the very least Mr.Bush tremendously overstated the evidence against Hussein. At the very least Mr.Bush mired the nation in an over-zealous foreign policy. Without Mr.Bush's war 700 American soldiers would be drinking Miller High Life watching NASCAR right now. You, or someone you know, is unemployed (or under-employed) because Mr.Bush's recovery plan *cough* is directed at increasing the investing and fortunes for America's elite-class.

Does anyone mention any of that? Maybe, but not really. They say stuff like, "The president lied in bringing our nation to war." They say that because pols really like the word 'lied'. Especially when it is the incumbent who is 'lying'. Well, trouble is, he didn't really lie. No one in the whole of the Administration lied, well at least not directly. There were lots of half-truths and false assumptions, but those don't really count as lies. Furthermore, accusing Mr.Bush of lying is just getting old. It's too en vogue in the dem party. The voters are tired of it. It sounds like an unfounded accusation. Kerry gets so caught up in the politics of war (abortion, gay marriage, the economy, and soc security too) that he forgets the American people agree with him and the dems about all of those things. No one wants big tax cuts for the super wealthy. Most people are pro-choice. Most people know we need social security reform. 80% of voters HATE war. Most people, despite popular belief, are not that stupid. And most people disagree with the Repubs on just about everything...

But Mr. Bush swaggers up to the podium and very convincingly says, "I won't tax you, I won't kill babies, I won't let your kids grow up gay, and I won't let terrorists escape." It's so simple. It's absolute genius. And Kerry is just no match for it. Cpt. Long Face thinks he has to out-think Bush. Well everone knows he can do that. Out-thinking him is not a problem. Kerry, if youre reading this, please stop with your long-winded speeches that try to emulate the Bush-style. Just shut up. Tell the people what you would do. You would give social security back to the workers. You would protect the Bill of Rights. You would save the impoverished by asking the super wealthy to do their part. You would protect America without attacking the entire world.

But he's not going to read my advice. He'll continue in his failed attempts to act like a strong leader. His better ideas will go unnoticed by the electorate. Oh well. 4 more years here we come!


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