Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I'm shifting the weight of my backpack so it's more evenly placed on my back when I see her. She's beautiful. Seconds pass as I absorb the sight of her and relish in the simple fact that she exists. But my transfixion fades as her path shifts. She's no longer walking by me. She's walking towards me. Her mouth, beautiful mouth, appears to open.

"Hey is this Rolfe" as she points to the building next to me. But she's not just pointing at the building next to me. She's talking to me.

Dammit. What did she ask? Something about a wolf. Where was she pointing? At Royce? Must of been. "No. This is Royce?"


Damn man. Say something. Tell her where Rolfe is.

"Well then where's Rolfe?"

Thank God she asked. "It's just one more down. Just keep going."

I could have done so much better than that. Why couldn't she have been in my french class.


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