Saturday, September 04, 2004

In hindsight I regret putting this link in my info. I regret even telling people about it. But what the hell would have been the point if other people weren't going to read it? Then I might as well have started a personal journal. The problem is that I need the reinforcement (positive, negative or otherwise) from the 'readers' in order to keep blogging. All my previous journals have ended after a dozen or so entries. I guess that's because the cathartic powers of a journal quickly wear off. I assume the same thing will happen with this blog, but hopefully not.

I have a plan to make sure the cathartic powers of notsonovel do not wear off too quickly. You see, I have this fear of pissing people off. I don't know if fear is the right word, but it's what came to mind. This 'fear' is why I regret telling people about this site, because there is a lot of crap I want to say that could anger some people. So here is the plan: I am going to try and conquer the fear of pissing people off. I haven't quite figured out how I'm going to pull it off, but it will work.

If I do pull off my plan there are a variety of benefits. 1) I could actually become a person who doesn't care about what people think of him/her (not at all likely, BUT I could get better at dealing with rejection and betrayal and other such things); 2) I could actually piss people off (this would be fucking great. I feel that no one's life is changed because of my actions, and it's time to change that.); 3) People piss me off a lot so I might as well piss them off too; 4) hopefully people will give me feedback and serve my relentless need for attention; 5) If #4 occurs then I will have reason to continue blogging... more on this later


At 5:28 PM, Blogger Jules said...

go ahead and piss us all off. we'll like it, and read your blog, so you can keep blogging.

At 8:47 PM, Blogger michelle said...

wow matthew your whole blog is a desperate cry for attention!!! just kidding:) But I do feel like im feeding your ego by commenting

At 10:12 PM, Blogger matthew said...

yeah i'm definitely an attention-whore. but thanks for feeding my ego. it is very malnourished.


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