Friday, February 18, 2005

I definitely need to start reading more, definitely. I spend hours perusing pitchfork and amazon looking, examining really, at every possible cd or book or mag I could enjoy. If I spent that time actually reading or listening to music or reading while listening to music I'd be smarter, more knowledgable, more capable of digesting information, better at research, better writer, and I'd have a lot better taste. Seriously, this shit starts tomorrow.


At 9:31 AM, Blogger Ashley said...

Hi matt--if you're wondering who this is, I went with you, michelle and sadaf to the vagina monologues. Anyways, going on the frosh babies site, I noticed a link for yours...can I just say that I am really impressed with your writing skills? Ok, this is gonna make me sound crazy, but I even have a favortie post (you use such nice language, it makes me smile). Anyway, that's all I have to say, keep up the good work...

At 6:14 PM, Blogger matthew said...

Thank you very much ashley, you flatter me. I'm glad there is something that someone can smile about on this blog.

At 7:30 PM, Blogger Ashley said...

Yeah, your welcome. Though, I must say I don't have that much symapathy for your complaints. It's just not true that girls don't find you attractive. Maybe it's just that you overlook the girls who have interest in you. Maybe you should internalize that a bit. But, I'll give you a break; only cause you're an excellent writer.

At 12:44 AM, Blogger matthew said...

Yeah, I don't have any sympathy for myself and michelle definitely doesn't, so I don't think you're alone with that one. Thanks for reading!

At 8:17 AM, Blogger Ashley said...

well anyway matt, I'm not saying that your complaints don't have validity (cause they obviously have upset you somehow). I just think you're a little hard on yourself. You should give matt a break...and sorry, I've gone comment crazy here!

At 12:21 PM, Blogger matthew said...

haha, it's fine. I probably should ease up on myself.


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