Saturday, February 12, 2005

It's been a long time since my last post. This is probably one of the longest stretches between posts in the history of notsonovel. I guess I've been busy. By busy I mean working and eating and tiny bits of school. Mostly I've been trying to cut myself out of the red-tape that surrounds me and most other transfers. Getting TAP certified for ucla took two solid days of running between the dean's office, my counselor, and the honors coordinator. At first the fact that I had taken french in high school was the problem, then Univ. of Iowa credits became a HUGE problem, and finally my AP credits grew into a beast of burden. For some reason I kept asking myself if it was really all worth it. Supposedly I'll know in April if it was worth it, but I'm highly skeptical about that April date, May seems like much more of a possibility. And even then, even if I get in, I don't know if it will be worth it. I won't ever know if it's all been worth it since I can't go back and experience the alternative. But in about 10 months I'll have a really good idea if I made the right choice.


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