Sunday, June 12, 2005

By the time you read this in the morning, I am sure that you will have heard of what happened to me. All for no reason. I warn all the summer associates this firm is a joke of what it used to be. Read the history. With a man like Jordan Schwartz in charge what can you expect. For those that do not know my mother has cancer and I asked if I could leave the firm next Wednesday to take care of her. I was told that I would know by the end of the day my status. Also the day before my 5-year old daughter was in the hospital with a 105 degree fever. It was not a good week and the power at be knew that.

Mr. Schwartz had the gall to complain that I was on my cell phone talking about my daughter's condition during my partner dinner on Monday. That's the problem with the legal profession -- family has to come 2nd. Whoever it was that had a problem with my cell phone use in that situation (Mr. Polkes perhaps, Mr. Perel) should have been man or woman enough to confront me and they would have learned of the crisis and accepted it. Others used their phones too but because of my Italian-American heritage I was singled out.

To my friends, I consider you my friends because you have treated me right. Thank you for many happy times. Until today, I (we) did not see the real side of Cadwalader (who is probably rolling in his grave right now at the State of the Firm). While clearing my stuff from my desk and making telephone arrangements Mr. Schwartz called a security guard to monitor me. Gerry and Mike saw it first hand. Like the old Soviet Union, I was led downstairs to a waiting car. If you remember what I look like, I am a real threat. Please, those in charge are supposed to be rational.

I wish you all good luck and will maybe see some of you tomorrow when I return my Blackberry (which the firm favors over its employees). Doris don't worry you will get it back, but what will you do when Monica comes back and you become another no-good party planner?? The power trip will end.

To all of you I was told by Mr. Schwartz that I will receive pay for my 4 days of work this week if he decides he wants to show "goodwill" towards me. This is fascism. I am actually happy tonight because now I can quit this corrupt profession and not be a bitch for a partner. I can proudly say that I am now no person's bitch. We all heard the bad stuff about this firm before we joined and I was warned but I did not heed the warning and I got repaid. But I will survive. I will work in a profession where I will see my loved ones and will do good. Instead of representing the drug companies who are driving prices up, why not represent the Aids patients or poor who cannot afford these drugs. That joke of a pro bono program also needs no further consideration, we all saw it.

Does any one remember the movie "A Civil Action?" who do identify more with John Travolta who was fighting for the rights of the people or Hale and Dorr who was fighting for the rights of the polluters. Whose side do you think CWT is on. I am glad I can become one of the good guys again. We all like money, but what price to achieve it? Self dignity? I have seen a particular partner commit acts that should be sexual harassment on women at least 4 times. Will he be disciplined? I don't think so because he is a "rainmaker."

I now realize that I don't want to be a lawyer. I don't want the orders from those stuck on themselves and their ivy league schools. I don't want to be disrespected by people who probably cannot hold a family life together and do not know common sense. I don't want to be a bad guy. CWT is the bad guy, the biggest if the bad guy. It tries to prevent those who have legitimate grievances from redress because of their reinsurance knowledge. They are the bad guys, the partners. Remember the "Devil's Advocate?" My soul is mine and will remain mine. To all the people with families who never see them, re-think your lives, is that what you really want? Thank you Jordan for your actions. You saved me from being a slave to the partnership (which reminds me of the Politburo). My fellow summer friends, let's do good for the world, not evil. My conscience is now clean. To the attorneys who I made friends with, I hope you are happy and all the polls show you are not. Get out and enjoy life while you can because that is what I am going to do. I was fired because someone did not like me and Schwartz would not tell me who. I wish he would. Is it because I would not eat lobster tails because I called them giant cockroaches or I did not get shit-faced drunk like the rest of you? Why Mr. Scwartz, who was it that did not like me. Just tell me. Or is the truth too hard. Or is it because of my Italian American heritage, sure there a few tokens, but nearly enough as is representative of the population of New York City. We helped build this city. Could that be it? I don't know, all I do know is that I was mistreated tonight and Gerry, Chris, Marcie, or Mike can tell you all about it. If anyone would like to talk to me personally, you could use this e-mail address or give me a call at 917-640-XXXX (I will be happy to recount all of it). Thanks to those who are my TRUE friends and to those that aren't I hope you are happy because you sure look miserable all of the time.

I will also not speak of the blatant cocaine use in people's offices and the men's restrooms, nobody here but I saw it first-hand from others. Disgusting. Drink coffee instead.

To my friends, All the success in the world and I am going to miss you a great deal. To those who chose to become my enemies, I have nothing to say, just think with all of your millions are you truly happy????? Think about it Jordan, did you feel a real power trip treating me like that after pretending to be my informal mentor? I was warned about this firm by many who got out early, I did not listen, I was stupid. I learned my lesson. I am going to do something for myself that will make me happy, I wish you all would too. I will speak to some of you tomorrow. Please be happy, I was angry and upset at first but now I am happy. I am now free. Chris

Supposedly this guy had mental problems, but most do in my opinion. His accusations of exclusion based on his Italian descent are weak at best, but whatever. The writing is weak at times and the movie references are tired, but whatever. It's just interesting, quasi-prescient maybe.


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