Saturday, July 16, 2005

My uncle is one of my many cynical role models. With his help I've refined my all-encompasing hatred and frustration with the universe into a nuanced loathing of specific sections of existence. I don't really know why I mention him, but it doesn't matter.

Money is necessary for happines
The pursuit of money leaves no time/energy to be happy
Happiness is impossible...logical contradiction

That's not really true. But I think most people that have to earn a living have to garner their happiness at the margin. My uneducated guess is that most normal (non-wealthy) people tend to be grouped in one of two categories (I hate categories because theyre always wrong just like these). Group A_Pursues money/career with vigor, hopes to gain happiness when possible, perhaps in large bursts. Group A is heretofore known as the retarded group. Group B_Pursues happiness directly and does so with vigor equal to retarded group's pursuit of money, gains money when necessary or when their "lazy/casual" pursuits allow. Group B are simply genius, but in a very 'head in the clouds' sorta way.

I suppose they are individuals who actually enjoy their jobs to some great extent. The jobs that I can imagine enjoying on the same level that I would enjoy a nice afternoon at the beach are too rare and unreachable to mention. But I am certain that people truly enjoy their relatively pedastrian jobs enough to not hate waking up every morning. This has got to be the key to happiness, because I wake up every weekday wishing I was one day further along in the week. Ultimately I'm just wishing myself towards death, and I'm wishing pretty quickly too. Not the best plan. So yeah, one must find one of these jobs that is actually tolerable (enjoyable jobs are a myth for non-rock stars, athletes).

Now I have heard their are people who enjoy being lawyers, pr experts, business persons, and professionals of every type. I assume a huge majority of these people "enjoy" their jobs because of the wealth and prestige that they garner happiness from, wealth and prestige that is provided by their job. While I'm definitely a prestige whore (ironic? yes.) prestige isn't enough for me to tolerate a job. Perhaps there are other enjoyable aspects to be various types of professionals. I mean I have heard people say "Yeah, I REALLLY want to be a lawyer!" I find this amazing. Someone would actually want to be a lawyer. When I say I want to be a lawyer I'm really saying I want a respectable career that will gain me financial security, lawyering has NOTHING to do with it. It's a dispicable act, really. I'll submit that the law is a beautiful beast that I'd love to understand and in some "practice," but lawyering is not practicing law. Lawyering is waking up a 0430AM getting to work at 0530 sitting down and writing/reading dozens of briefs till 0800PM, and going home to a family who doesn't know you and definitely doesn't like you. Really this post had no point I just wanted to mention my uncle because I talked to him recently, I wanted to write down the little happines as a logical contradiction deal, I NEEDED to make the pointed that people Group A is retarded, and I wanted to point out that law is a beautiful thing and practicing law (in the right medium) can be respectable but lawyering is ugly. These points are all loosely related but not necessarily collected into a cohesive whole, because I didn't really care that much--or at all.

The universe is comprised of various lifeforms that are comprised in various structures. Humans are one such lifeforms that have collected into societies. While other creatures of the universe are structured simply by the laws of science humans must submit to other structures that, though stemmed from simplistic laws of science, are more complex. These structures that organize human behavior are referred to as laws. These laws bridge the gap between the wants of the individual vs. the needs of society and vice versa. This allows both the society and the individual to persist, hopefully at the greatest level for the greatest number. The laws created to simultaneously support society and the individual are certainly flawed on a massive, but that does not take away from their beauty. Even with tired constraits and unmade changes the law still does a decent job of structuring society, and that is why law and the practice of it are respectable things. Business on the other hand is simply the individual sucking off the collective in hope of reward, financial or otherwise. Rarely is business beneficial to the collective and it does nothing to temper the struggle between the one and the whole. Just my opinion mate but I prefer law, because you were wondering.


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