Monday, September 06, 2004

I woke up in a odd mood this morning for some reason. Odd meaning bad, I guess. My bad moods are usually at the worst when I'm not around anyone, which happens to be right after I wake up and just before I go to bed. I can usually pick out an event in the recent past that sparked my bad mood, but today I can't. I think it may be because of a dream I had. Have you ever had a dream where the dream version of yourself is stressed-out or angry and then you wake up stressed/angry? Well that's similar to this morning's bad mood.

All I can remember from my dream is that the word 'hot guy' was used a lot by some third party. I infer that I was not the 'hot guy'. I suppose not being a 'hot guy' offended me in my dream, and now its carried over. I guess it is VERY egocentric of me to wish for every 'hot guy' reference to be about me, and I wish I weren't so egocentrid, needy is a better word. But I am, so what can I do?

So if this dream is what's actually bothering me, then why was I thinking about 'hot guy' references anyway? As always, I have been fretting over 'why dont i have a gf?' (note: I can see you rolling your eyes and saying blahblahblah). WIthin the very large conundrum of 'why dont i have a gf?' I have focused on a more specific question 'why am I not the type of guy that girls fixate on?'

The answer to this is quite obvious, and if you don't realize it then you need some mental helpl. Well I'm pretty sure the 3 people that may read this site have stopped by now, so I see no need to continue. Long story short: I'm not a 'hot guy', I won't become a 'hot guy', so I guess I'll have to wait for all the 'hot guys' to die or get married before I can get a date...that's why I'm in this very weird/bad mood.

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At 1:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe if you stop fixating on not getting a date and just pretend that you go on many... it's all about how you present yourself, anyway. no one cares about who anyone else really is.

At 1:33 AM, Blogger matthew said...

good comment. sounds familiar. thanks mystery person.


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