Sunday, November 14, 2004

I think I am a Likely Lad and I'm sure what has happened to our dream, you know?

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. I say that to myself all the time, but it doesn't seem to be helping. I think I've overused it, like my Darkness cd. Now that SS quote is just a random assembledge of syllables and noises, like my Darkness cd. Um, what is my point??? AH. Despite my repetition of this little maxim I haven't been gathering any rosebuds at all. I am 19 years, 29 days old and I have no rosebuds. Of course I still have plenty of time to gather plenty of rosebuds. However, my chance to gather certain rosebuds is completely gone. And that makes me a little sad, more than a little. For clarification I do not strictly mean girls as rosebuds. I haven't gathered any real 'oppurtunities'. Of course I'm most annoyed about not gathering any rosebuds in the shape of a lovely young woman. But I'm most saddened that I haven't used my potential to accomplish anything. My brother always talks about unconverted potential energy, and that is exactly what I have. Unconverted potential energy. How fucking-digustingly poignant.

I think I've gone mad, I'm listening to Beulah now.


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