Saturday, November 27, 2004

Thanksgiving is trickling away quickly. This week definitely had its high points. The past two fridays have been particularly interesting. But I remember last year as being so much better. That's probably because I was the lost son returning home. Yeah, that's definitely not the case anymore. It's quite the opposite now. Still a fun holiday, but I'm hoping Christmas is better. I have some plans, but I don't want to announce them. Ask if you want.

I'm having more of the so-called 'outer body' experiences lately. I haven't touched the face of God or been abducted by aliens or even seen everything in a new life. I wish. No, I've 'seen myself as others see me.' I leave my typical perception of social interaction and try to view myself from others' perspective. On this little field trip through everyone else's attitude towards me I realized that everyone thinks I'm annoying. This is a bit of an overstatement, but it's the most applicable term I could come up with. I don't blame anyone for thinking I'm annoying because I am annoying. I wish I weren't, trust me. But there's not much I can do about it. I'm going to try to amend whatever it is about me that makes me so annoying. Perhaps it's all this self loathing?


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