Sunday, November 14, 2004

Women are attracted to men on a purely arbitrary basis. There is no set criteria that women follow to discern the good from the bad. I'm sure most of you think this is false, but it's true (take it up with me when I'm not busy procrastinating). So I should be arbitrary too.

You know what is so fascinating to women about Mr. Darcy and P & P? It's that Darcy fufills their ultimate fantasy. It's not that he's mysterious or reserved or wealthy, well maybe it's a little-bit of those things. But what really gets girls is the Darcy CHANGES because of this women, Elizabeth. He fucking changes. That is the key. This guy is changed because of the existence of Elizabeth. His attributes before and after the change are negligible. What matters is that he changed. My fellow lonley lads, that is the key--changing. And may I humbley comment to all the lonley ladies out there: I'm not going to change, but if you'd like me to appear as if I've changed I'll try and oblige you.


At 2:01 PM, Blogger michelle said...

I completely disagree. And I think I'm somehow offened but I'm not quite sure how...still I dont have time to argue with you. I will say though, that pretending to change by no means sercures long term felicity. A relationship based on your pretending to change is doomed from the beginning. So dont act like your doing us a favor by "changing" when all you're doing is prolonging the break up that will inevitably happen when we find out what a poser you are! Insincerity is poison. Darcy is nothing if he is not completely sincere--after,of course, you discard his enormous amount of wealth,prestige, and lineage, not to mention his devastatingly gorgeous looks. So maybe its not so much that he CHANGES for Elizabeth but that hes as honest with himself as he is with the rest of the world, for perhaps, the first time in his life.


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