Thursday, February 03, 2005

Why is it that every adminstrative official at Mesa is mildly to severely retarded? It's barely even worth the effort to trudge up the stairs to get to the counseling department since you know no good will come from your visit. But there is one very redeeming quality of the counseling department--the receptionist. This one receptionist is beyond beautiful. No words can do her justice. I would sell my soul just to be with her. Whenever I see her I hear 'creep' being played in my mind. I recommend you drop by the Mesa advising deptartment on Thursday afternoons just to see this young womAn. And even when she's not at the front desk she's usually roaming around the surrounding cubicles, so I think you'll spot her anytime. Maybe I'm completely bloating her beauty, but I don't think so. I have an appointment to get t.a.p. certified (FINALLY!!!,,,,THANK GOD IT'S OVER) so I'll get to see her again. She makes me want to be a better man. First I'll become a man, and then become a better one, and do it all for her. Everyone else besides her at Mesa, and most other places, is an utter disappointment.


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