Friday, April 14, 2006

Brace yourself for a steady stream of 'woe is me' nonsense. It's going to be fantastic. I want to get some good long ones, real bare my soul sorta crap, combined with several terse and esoteric (written in code) posts.

notsonovel has returned.

The revolution is upon us. Radical progress shall begin.


At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'woe is me' doesnt actually get you to radical progress...

At 11:39 PM, Blogger matthew said...

You'd be suprised. Doesn't progress begin with certain problems, certain flaws in the current system. Well I have certain problems and flaws that I plan to address, and radically so. Furthermore, this thought process itself, I feel this because of this, that was caused by this, that working-out-of-things is bound to lead somewhere progressive. Assuming I take beyond 'woe is me' and try to figure out how to overcome my angst. Woe, I think, is the beginning of all progress.

At 10:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assuming I take beyond 'woe is me' and try to figure out how to overcome my angst.

I think that is the key, my friend.

At 4:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your long posts will feed my insomnia ... thanks

At 4:34 AM, Blogger dinglebarf said...

next post, please.


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