Monday, September 06, 2004

I went surfing this afternoon at a place called Secrets (I don't think its cool enough to be called Secrets so I have renamed it Del Mar Cove). Just as I was getting out of my car I was counting how many YEARS it's been since my last 'date' (God! I say annoying shit like that all the time, sorry). Needless to say I was not in the best place mentally/emotionally. The fact that I was about surf, my favorite thing in the world, really wasn't helping my disposition.

Just as I was realizing that I hadn't asked a girl out for about SIX years I walked over the hill at Del Mar Cove. Sitting below me was the big blue Ocean. It was just waiting for me. And the sun was shining so brilliantly that I couldn't look at it directly. (note: if there is a road to heaven it would definitely be that gleaming path that the sun makes on the ocean). I know no one else really cares about Del Mar Cove. And I know no one else thinks that climbing down the stairs towards the water is a beautiful experience. And I know no one else cares that I haven't had a real date in six years. But whatever.

I forget everything when I see the ocean. And that is fucking awesome.


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