Saturday, October 30, 2004

Am I intimidating? I ask because it seems to be a common theme. Some people say I'm intimidating while the other half say I'm not intimidating at all. I personally think I'm somewhere in between. I think neither intimidating nor welcoming are correct adjectives. But I have had a bad career at rating myself in any capacity (especially in respect to rating myself relative to girls that would date me).

So I ask you, those who know me well and not at all, if I am intimdating. Your responses are appreciated.
Even if I were intimidating would that matter? Don't girls like guys that are a challenge, sorta unapproachable? I'm not saying I'm either of those things, but, assuming I am, it could be a good thing. whatever, w h a t e v e r


At 8:30 PM, Blogger Amyline Quien Ching said...

what makes a person intimidating? i was actually researching that very thing when i came across your post. people have told me that i can be pretty intimidating too and quite honestly, i don't know why.


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