Friday, January 07, 2005

In the previous post I remarked that I need a mentor of sorts. Someone to give me a more experienced perspective and help me define what I'm supposed to be in the intellectual and professional world. Today I added another person.

I need a wealthy, slightly older, very attractive woman to fall in love with me. She will be a very important aspect of my maturation. Her primary function will be to help me shed this over-powering self-loathing and self-consciousness. This constant self-doubt of my decisions, attitudes, attractiveness, intelligence, creativity, ability, taste, and basically everything else is REALLY getting old. I've tried to stop it by myself, but I have been very unsuccessful. So I need a woman (rich, old and *cough* more experienced) to show me the way towards self-affirmation and confidence. While she is doing this she'll also prepare me for future relationships by showing me the ropes so to say. And, ultimately, she'll break my heart (for reasons behind this read Esquire's 100 things to do before you die). This will definitely prepare me for the woman I've yet to meet in my life. Second to this romantic advisory role she will also help bank roll some of my plans. I mean there are a few things I like to do and someone has to pay for them. I've got to pay for my tuition and books and whatnot, so I don't really have the money to pay for it myself. So this woman will have to bank roll some of my trips and constant purchasing of cds. That is the plan at least.


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