Thursday, March 17, 2005

Tomorrow could be my last day of employment for a while, unlikely but possible.

I tend to be getting some resistance to the Peace Corps idea/plan/hope/whatever. I guess that's to be expected. I guess I have got a lot of overly-idealistic "plans." A Phd, Peace Corps, new journalism, professional writing, career in the academy, living abroad, backpacking and many many more. Nothing wrong with any of these "plans" as far as I'm concerned. I realize that they are only "plans," meaning that they're great ideas, visions of the future that may or may not happen. And anything that's idealistic usually fizzles out since the forces of capitalism are so omipresent and omipotent. Sometimes I can feel capitalism affecting my decision making. My obsession for material wealth and lust for resources hides in the corners of my mind. So, perhaps, my idealistic plans will only become reality if my romantic, curious mind is able to defeat the invasion of greed. I'm told this battle, a battle between generosity and materialism, idealism and realism, good and evil, will be waged sometime in my mid-20s.

It's really odd that I have a choice between wealth and squalor. I could easily choose to take the lsat, go to a decent law school, find a decent job, and be making 120k at 25 and 500k at 35. That whole future and even those $$$ values are somewhat independent of my ability. My career in law would be entirely dependent on dedication to the goal of creating wealth for clients, which would create wealth for my partners. If I achieved this--being 'liked' by the partners--the would make me a partner. At that level, which I could reach at about 35, I would be entering 1mil$ a year. This little path is true for EVERYONE. You too, sitting at your desk, could be making 7 figures in 15 years. You're grades aren't even pivitol. Decent grades are necessary, but only sorta necessary. You too can be on your path to the top 1% of wealth in the WORLD. The only decision is how much of yourself are you willing to offer up to your career, AND which career are you offering yourself to????

This question tantalizes me. I can never get it out of my head. My future is entirely in my hands. There are many restrictions that I was born into and many more that I have created myself. But the restrictions on my and future are very minimal, practically non-existent. The tough one's are only in your mind, and those can easily be overcome. If you disagree I can suggest various way self-imposed restrictions can be conquered.

It will be very interesting to see where everyone is on the idealist-to-capitalist spectrum once we all get to the mid-20s benchmark. I'm sure I won't be a unapologetic capitalist in 5 years, but I don't see myself as a raving idealist either. It will certainly be interesting. I apologize if this post has a very "Immatt,Imfantastic,andIhaveunlimitedpossibilites" tone. The intent was to demonstrate that everyone was has unlimited possibilites, ego-flexing was only a latent function of my thesis.

fickle women.


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