Sunday, October 31, 2004

I don't want to pay attention to the presendential race polls. Nothing good can come from me paying attention to the polls. So I have NO idea what the experts are saying. But the experts said that Bush was going to rock Gore by 5 million votes; I think you know what actually happened. So the moral is to take polls with a grain of salt, a very small grain of salt.

BUT, let me tell you why Kerry is going to win...
The Washington Redskins have accurately predicted the President for the last 16 elections. If the redskins win their last home game before the election the incumbent party stays in power. If the redskins lose the power in party also loses. This pattern has NEVER broken throughout the skins' history, 78 years of history.

Of course, assuming the redskins performance has any direct affect on the election is riduculous. It is a logical fallacy. Simply because event A occurs before event B does NOT mean that A causes B. With that said, commmme on. 16 consecutive times--SIXTEEN!

Quick recap: Skins win, incumbent wins. Skins lose, incumbent loses. This pattern has no direct effect on the election. BUT, in case you are interested, the Washington Redskins lost their last home game before the election to the Green Bay Packers.

HAHA YEEAHHH biotch...might as well not even vote!


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