Thursday, December 02, 2004

Finding out true love is blind.

No, not really. That's a lie, but youre little asain friend, she can come if she wants.

I need something to do. You're right in thinking that I'm always in need of something to do as I live such a linear life. But today it is particularly true. I got myself so worked up over those fucking apps, but now that is in God's hands (you better come through). I can't surf because BOTH boards are out of commission. I really don't have much to do school work-wise. Basically, I ranked EVERYTHING below finishing my application, so now that it's done I don't know what to do with myself. Normally I'd just painstakingly peruse pitchforkmedia and cdnow and amazon, BUT I don't have any headphones and my speakers are sorta not working. I NEED MORE MUSIC. That is not a hyperbole. My body needs more music. I really don't have many cd's, and my computer's music collection was terminated a few months after an unfortunate incident. So, you people, whoever you may be, I ask you for music. You don't have to even know me. I'm sure you can figure out my screen name from the url. Just IM me and give me some good musical tips. And if you do know me some burned CDs would be great christmas gifts. I say this not because I'm fishing for gifts, because I most definitely am not fishing for gifts. In fact, it'd be better if you didn't buy me anything so I can justify not buying you anything. But if you're one of those damn people who insist on exchanging gifts that a burned cd would be fantastic. Anything really. Any genre, any time period, any artists, whatever the fuck you would like. Here are a few things that are off limits: Fiery Furnaces, Le Tigre, The Darkness, The Killers, and that's about it. Half of those I detest and I own sufficient music from the other half.

So yeah I'm really regreting telling people to give me a gift. It comes off very cocky: Yeah I'm so confident not only do I know people want to buy me things. It's also very condescending: Well they love me enough to get me a gift but theyre to stupid to know what to get me so ill tell them. Those facts notwithstanding I didn't delete the 'suggestion'. Why? Because I guess I'm hard to 'shop' for so I'm cutting down the search. Also, I HATE the idea that people spend money on me. I really dislike that idea for some reason. I'd prefer a friend of mine spend money on a real person or on themselves or their education. So yeah, just burn a cd. Be daring.

Yeah I'm bored so I shall continue on this magical mystery tour of my madness. I need to go surfing. I'm jonesin' man. I'm not quite sure what that means but I think it holds true. Yeah when I don't surf bad things start to happen. I start to ask stupid questions. Mostly to girls. Mostly to girls who I shouldn't even be bothering with. I need a serious prospect like Bush needs a new doctrine.


At 1:40 PM, Blogger sonya said...

what did you do to my board you bastard?

jk.. its just the leash right?

At 1:54 PM, Blogger matthew said...

yeah just the leash. i promise ill return it to you in better condition than it was in this summer.


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