Saturday, September 11, 2004

blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah. What a crazy couple of days. Not necessarily my life, I'm speaking of the world at large. 1) Shocking school terror attack in Russia. Imagine if that happened in the states! 2) Bush comes out of RNC with a TEN POINT BOUNCE. I'd go further in depth but I'd get that sensation to just scream at the top of my lungs while flexing every muscle in my body. 3) Assault weapons ban expires. I can't comment on this for similar reasons as the previous. 4) Three hurricanes in a month. I blame Mr.Bush.

My life has been far less suspenseful compared to the world's current events. I have my life boiled down to a flow chart: car-->mesa-->car-->home-->online-->car-->surf-->car-->home-->more online-->sleep. For non-school days it's even shorter. I wish I had some more excitement. Something to ruffle my feathers a bit.

I know this is horrible to say given that there are sooooo (o x 1000) many people whose lives are consumed by poverty/hunger/fear/pain/death, but I would really like to trade lives with many people. And not just famous men with many female-callers (e.g. Andre 3000). Most of the people I know have relatively exciting lives (relative to mine). I mean to say, if you take away surfing, my summer has been absolutely miserable, granted surfing has been ~70% of my summer, but that's only bc every other aspect sucked... I have no prospects. I have no exciting plans for the future. On a day to day basis I have nothing to look forward to. There is no possible way this will change in the next 12 months. And if a few things don't break my way it could be a lot longer than that.

So if you're floating around in the mood to trade lives I'm more than willing to trade you. God I was REALLY hoping to get past this 'oh god i hate my life, please tell me im a better person than i feel, please fill my need for attention, please bloat my ego, please say my life should be better' aspect of the blog. CLEARLY, I have not.

You know what's great...I'm sitting here complaining about how other people have great lives that they complain about.....................meanwhile there is someone reading this and shouting at their screen 'MATT YOU JACKASS, STOP COMPLAINING BITCH, YOUR LIFE IS FILLED WITH SURFING AND FREE TIME!!!!!!!!!!'

I admit to the person shouting that they have a good point, in fact, it's a great point. I have no response to it. They are 100% correct. But I'm going to continue as if they're wrong. Here's the list of reasons why I hate the world and the world hates me: 1) No girl in the history of time has looked at me and magically turned my flaws into 'cute imperfections'. 2) ...This may sound absurd but I truly believe it... No girl has ever liked me for any long period of time (over a month). 3) ...I may be paranoid but... People avoid me, a lot. 4) I've never been really good at one specific thing. 5) Each day at Mesa the more and more I regret my decision to move back to San Diego, even if do successfully transfer I think I'll still partly regret it. 6) No girl currently likes me. 7) I've come so close to giving up total hope of ever having a prospect that it's hard for me to be attracted to a real person. 8) No excitement in my life. 9) Nothing to look forward to in the next year. 10) Nothing to look forward to in my LIFETIME that other people don't think of as boring (e.g. if i do transfer next year I'll do my best to be really excited about starting at a real school again and all those good things. But, for everyone else going to school again will be no big deal. They will go off to their apartments and hang out with the friends they made as freshmen, sophmores. They will come to class as if it were work bc the grades they get now REALLY matter, and the classes they are taking are exponentially harder. I'll just be another 'transfer pest'.) 11) I'm not nearly as good at surfing as I ought to be given how hard I try and how much I practice.

...There's no way anyone read all of this and if you did I feel sorry for you. I also apologize for my melodrama.


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