Wednesday, September 15, 2004

I really need to get over myself. I have all these little assumptions about life and people and behavior and education that are entirely false. The worst part is that I act based on these false assumptions(why does assumption have a p in it??).

I've basically written off all people at juco, particularly mesa because it's so trade oriented. Of course not all people at mesa are stupid, drug-dealing, std ridden, idiots. I'm sure there is a large population of young people who are rather intelligence and make reasonable lifestyle choices. There's even a possibility that there's someone smarter than me crawling around mesa. Some mesa kids probably have great ambitions, and are doing their best to achieve them. Most importantly, there are probably tons of people whose idea of fun is not bacardi 151, mec weed, and maybe some ecstasy. There are probably tons of people who love the beach without being high, and many may go beaching regularly. And perhaps there are even some who understand the grand beauty of free fun (if you don't enjoy free fun youre not my friend).

So now that I've realized that there are these smart, ambitious, non-smoking, love-free fun type people I need to meet them. I know I give the impression that I just walk around with sunglasses and crossed arms. That's sometimes true, but I always try and make eye-contact and even say hi occasionally. And in class I'll talk to my neighbor on a somewhat frequent basis. As long as they don't look scary. So what am I supposed to do to make mesa friends?

I just read this thread that said the key at juco is to join clubs. Well when I get a job I don't really think I'll have time for that. It's also hard to justify paying to be in a club, which is the common practice at mesa. So I don't think that's an option for me. And I can't really think of anything else that would serve me well. I suppose I just need to be more open to giving people a chance. Though I really think I do that. I'm a very inclusive person. Not to be cocky but I think I am very good at conceptualizing what it's like to be in other people's positions. That's why I rarely get mad at people.

What I really need to get over is my 'holier than thou' attitude. I'm very condescending. And if you haven't noticed you probably haven't been paying attention. Eventhough I sometimes say hurtful, short-sided, selfish things I never mean them (the things I believe are far too mean to say out loud). But a part of me definitely thought I was better than other mesa students. And I think I have gotten over that, so hopefully now I'll allow myself more conversation with mesa kids...But I've looked hard throughout the entire campus and there is no girl of the type that likes me (i'll give you that description later). oh well. Hopefully, there's some person I'll talk to and they can give me rides to the beach.


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