Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I think my extreme self-loathing has successfully warded off any potential readers I had. So I'll see just how much self-deprecation I can get in just one post.

Sssssooooooo, I've still been thinking quite a bit. Despite my best efforts with reading/surfing/driving. My thinking is even starting to get in the way of my school work, which is unacceptable.

I've been thinking about my doomed sexuality. It's hard to accept that conclusion. I mean I really think I'm a fucking awesome person, not necessarily more fucking awesome than anyone else just as fucking awesome as most. But I don't think anyone really notices that. Well, at least not people that don't know me. That sucks. People should really notice. People say I give off insecurity vibes and people can sense that. These insecurity vibes lead them to the opinion that I'm not all that cool of a person. Sounds like bullshit, but I suppose its possible. Anyway, long story short = some people are arbitrarily liked (liked without any concrete reasoning), on the other hand I am arbitrarily disliked (disliked without any concrete reasoning). sucks


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