Saturday, September 18, 2004

Note about previous post:
Alrighty. Last night I realized there are some problems with the 3 premises the lead to asexuality for me. They are perfectly valid in a world without mitigating circumstances and the like. However, we do not live in such a world. Obviously if my theorem were true only two people would be happy in love. The two most attractive, most perfect people could really love each other, because there wouldn't be any other person they would prefer. If you are to follow my logic all the way you'd have to assume that the second most perfect people wouldn't be happy with their mates because they'd desire the most perfect woman/man. And despite my unwavering loathing of love/marriage I have a hard time believing this.

Obviously there are more than two happy people in the world. And sometimes these 'happy in love' people have mates who are far uglier than they are. To be honest I can't explain this. My guess is that they were so unlucky in their quest for a mate that they had to settle for someone very low on 'the ladder'. And somehow, after settling so low, they lost all desire to move up the ladder.

That part, the not wanting to move up the ladder part, I don't think I, nor my potential lady-friend, will ever get past. I don't think I could settle for anything less than a woman who is 'super beautiful'. I don't want to explain this now but the short explanation is that they are most than just externally beautiful, blahblahblahblah. Anyway, so if I'm able to magically jump the ladder and grab a super beautiful woman (telling ya right now it ain't happenin) then I could be happy in love. However, this potential beautiful woman really wouldn't be happy. First of all she's super beautiful and she's not with whatever the male counterpart of that is. So she slid down the ladder. I'd say she's pissed. And woman always have a tendency to leave me in hopes of meeting a better guy. So I'm sure that process would start to wear on her. Eventually she wouldn't want to be with me.

So while my logic is flawed the conclusion is the same because I can't be with someone who is only with me because I'm the best she could get. This makes no sense but just trust me that asexuality is my only possibility. I drive kids to the beach, I play in card games, I give rides, that's about it. My use for any person ends at that. Because no person (woman, man, child, whatever) ever desires me for more than my simple utilitarian uses. And my functionality is pretty limited. Driving, some very minor house work, some auto repair. I run the world's errands and pay for things and I have to be content with that. Are you fucking kidding me? The end.


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