Monday, April 25, 2005

I am disappointed in myself for not posting this month. I realized that posting was going to be an ever-declining thing that was related to my mood, but I didn't think it would drop off this much. I guess I eat and watch a lot more tv than I did earlier this semester, I really wish that wasn't the case. Despite all the angst that is chronicled in the archives I was living a relatively healthy life. I was writing a lot, not just on here, I had a sensical vision of my future, I was physically active (now I'm obese), and I used to get a perfect amount of sleep (now I just look at my ceiling hoping it will start talking to me).

But I'm hopeful that the decline of my existence will hit bottom sometime wednesday night and then begin an upswing. This week is mildly significant. I've got several significant assignments due and assignments to be returned that will solidify my grades. By friday ish I will know where I can and can't work this summer, sorta. I will figure out my summer school plans. And I'll hopefully get my admission decisions--hopefully. My guess is that about 40% of what I want to be finalized this week will be, but 40% is better than nothing.

I went to la this weekend to visit sonya and go to the book festival. It was buckets of fun and really inspiring. I want to apply myself to foreign languages (even more so than before) and I want to explore narrative history and histiography even deeper than I already have. Most of all I want to do well in this semester and summer school. Going to la always skews my perspective of the present. It's hard to explain, not something I write down, particularly on a monday.