Friday, October 14, 2005

Amongst the Alphas and Betas and the Asian this and Black that there are definitely some decent things to do. Things that I believe in and support, at least. But nothing that makes me get out of my chair. I'd like to Plan for Social Equality or maybe help the Eviroment with my fellow Bruins, but I don't really want to, as ridiculous as that sounds. None of these things capture me enough to force me out of the cacoon. I don't think the potential gain warrants the social capital that I would have to spend to adjust to the super awkwardness of these things...

But what the fuck now???

Take another class? There is some stuff that's still open that does interest me, but we're already at the end of second week and I'm not willing to take a chance. Starting this late in an unknown subject (English is what I was leaning towards) could fuck me. And I can't mess with my grades at this point. I MUST get a 4.0 this quarter, maybe with some pluses involved.

Work out so much that I actually achieve something? Maybe, but not. I want interaction with PEOPLE! Particularly people who are interested in intellectual progress. And as far as losing weight or getting toned, well, I've never cared about that shit. I'll try and run more and maybe lift now and then, but I just don't care. I wish I did, but I don't.

Maybe I'll read.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

I feel self-doubt just crashing down around me. It's fucking annoying.

I admit to have created/exaggerated my writing skills by referencing them all the time, but I still feel that there was some base of truth. I may have told a lot of people that I was a good writer. They may have believed me without reading anything I had written, but still I thought there was something behind my boasts. I guess not.

I'm not even comfortable with the thought that I'm just decent. If there is a selection of 29 writers I really thought I would be at the top, easily top 10. The chance that I was #15 of 14 selections offers me nothing. I want to be in the top couple. I know I can research. Research is what I fucking do. I thought I was a neither a researcher or a writer. I hoped I was simultaneously both, and that I was above average at both. Clearly I was wrong. Clearly I can't handle rejection, but this school tends to do this shit often.

"We strongly encourage rejected applicants to apply again." Ehh Ehhh FUCK YOU.

I need to delve into capitalism. The only ridiculously obvious thing I have learned about life is that "things happen to people." Good stuff happens to bad people, bad stuff to good, and sometimes the other two combinations occur too (but fuck those). I repeat: I need to delve into capitalism.

There is nothing to be gained by sitting around twidling your thumbs like I have for almost 20 years. You may have a slightly firmer grasp on the nature of reality and perhaps even human nature. Fuck I probably know a little more about ethics than other people too, but I have got nothing to show for it. Writing and thinking and absolving ignorance has proven useless to me and those around me. I have gained nothing but angst, and I have boatloads of it now.

This should not be my reaction. I should not run in the opposite direction whenever an obstacle impedes my path. But fuck commitment. I was committed to that shit anyway. I was doing it for the free booze. First I got the big fat DING for the Regents scholarship. A few months later I got another DING for the TAP. Now it's been DING DING DING. In boxing that's a fucking knock out--end of match. UCLA is dancing around with its arm up to the sky while I'm shuffled off to the nurse's office.

The worst part is that now I have nothing to do. I had put a lot of weight in that plan, never imagining that it wouldn't come through (double negative, maybe that's why I didn't make the cut). There is no plan b. There is no possible plan b. Even if I do mentorship it will only take up 8, maybe 12 hours. My classes are difficult, sure, but not time consuming. And now I have no way to meet anybody. I'm not going to do anything politcal, because that shit is retarded.

I'm done. This has been an lesson in how not to write.

So what the fuck am I supposed to do now? I know that's not my last shot at anything, but it sure feels like it because I can't come up with anything to fill its place.