Thursday, November 04, 2004

What are the fucking chances that she was a republican? How is that possible? I think this is proof that God hates me.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The most painful part of the last two days is the margin of victory. It's around 3-4 million last time I checked. And even more startling than that is Bush's 51 percent of the popular vote. That does not happen often. How did this happen? Where did all the angry war voters go? Where is all the patriot act fear? What about the regressive tax systems? What happened to that surge of democratic support? What happened to all you liberals?

God happened to all you people who were supposed to come to Kerry given Bush's remarkable underperformance. Not just any God, my God. The Christian ideal of morals and tradationalism has reared its ugly head this year--these last few years too. The Protestants (if you don't know the differences between the various Christian sects I suggest you figure it out) have, and will always, vote conservative--very conservative. These are the people who wore KKK cloaks and terrorized minorities and Jews simply because they could. These people hate anything that doesn't perfectly fit into their 'Old Testament' view of the world. They love the Old Testament. They love white people. These are NOT compassionate christians. These are the descendents of the People's Crusade. All things not like them are to be ignored only if they can't be eliminated, never accepted. This includes jews, muslims, scientologists, scientists, history students and whoever looks a little different.

They key to protestants is the Old Testament, particularly the first five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. To most protestants, especially they more zealous clans, the New Testament is only a small addendum. Protestants love fire and brimstone and Saddam and Gamorrah. They don't like the inclusionary principles of Jesus. The think of Jesus as their Lord and Savior, but not much else. I repeat, they prefer the angry God. They like him angrier whenever possible.

More on this later.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Four more long years. I have too many thoughts to simply regurgitate them onto the screen. Stream of conscience is great, but what happened today is far too important for jumbled thoughts. But one quick note before I let you sleep: the 18-29 demographic failed me. They failed you too.

IDEALOGUES FUCKING SUCK (a quick summary of my current state of mind)

Gather round gentlement, ladies and tramps,
Crosseyed mosquitoes and bowlegged ants.
Grab a chair and sit on the floor,
I'll tell you a story you've never heard before.

One fine day in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced eachother,
Pulled their knives, and shot eachother.

A deaf policeman heard the noise,
He came and killed the two dead boys.
If you don't believe this lie is true,
Ask the blind man, he saw it too.

I STRONGLY recommend you memorize the previous post. It's important to find the cadence, and 'hone' it for future recitals. I will not agree to see you over the holidays if you refuse to recite the poem. And if you don't do a good job I will mock you, harmlessly mocking, but mocking nonetheless.

Tomorrow is probably going to turn into a red-letter day for self-loathing...That we shall see. Oh we will most definitely see!

Vote my friends. Vote my comrads. Vote, vote, vote. I plead you to vote. History pleads you to vote. The Ocean pleads you to vote. Elohim, in all of his/her magnificent manifestations, pleads you to vote. Just fucking do it (imagine Uncle Same saying 'Just fucking vote motharfuckaar' while making lewd gestures)!

The election is tomorrow. I've put in so much emotional energy into this election that I've ran out of reasons to care. I'm sure a lot of people feel the same way. It's sorta like a bad movie. I've sat through SO much of this pointless plot with lifeless characters that now I'm forced to keep watching because I've given so much of myself into this crap.

d e a t h

Sunday, October 31, 2004

I don't want to pay attention to the presendential race polls. Nothing good can come from me paying attention to the polls. So I have NO idea what the experts are saying. But the experts said that Bush was going to rock Gore by 5 million votes; I think you know what actually happened. So the moral is to take polls with a grain of salt, a very small grain of salt.

BUT, let me tell you why Kerry is going to win...
The Washington Redskins have accurately predicted the President for the last 16 elections. If the redskins win their last home game before the election the incumbent party stays in power. If the redskins lose the power in party also loses. This pattern has NEVER broken throughout the skins' history, 78 years of history.

Of course, assuming the redskins performance has any direct affect on the election is riduculous. It is a logical fallacy. Simply because event A occurs before event B does NOT mean that A causes B. With that said, commmme on. 16 consecutive times--SIXTEEN!

Quick recap: Skins win, incumbent wins. Skins lose, incumbent loses. This pattern has no direct effect on the election. BUT, in case you are interested, the Washington Redskins lost their last home game before the election to the Green Bay Packers.

HAHA YEEAHHH biotch...might as well not even vote!