Monday, May 16, 2005

I feel weird. I should be in a transitional moment, and I guess I feel some of that. Half of my thoughts are concerned with what's coming, and the other half is concerned with what is. I guess that natural or something, but it still feels very weird.

Maybe its weird that the summer is quickly appraoching and I'm not looking forward to it. I'm taking French again after living a shallow anglo-only existence for 3+ years. I'm going into a second french course, which, I realize, is commonplace in the university setting, but at cozy-little Mesa it rarely happens. So I guess I'm worried about walking into class and having no fucking idea what's going on. I've got this image... the teacher rambling off a series of seemingly nonsensical but beautiful noises. she looks in my direction. i freeze. i dissolve into molecules that float down onto the dirty floors of Mesa, where my existence ends... I'm sure it's not going to be nearly that bad. It'll definitely be intense. 5 weeks (July 18- August 19), 5 days a week, 9-1230, everyday. But I'll use June and July to learn myself up a bit. If I can't teach myself French1 than I have no business doing anything abroad or ever talking about language, so I have given myself no other choice but success.

So why am I not looking forward to summer omitting french (which obviously is worse in my head than it is in reality)??? Probably because everyone is going to be gone. Last summer life was distinctly different than spring semester. Almost everyone was around and few people were working full schedules. Now it seems of the few who are sticking around all of us will be working near full-time. So yeah, that sucks--unless you happen to be one of the hundreds of people who have to work and live at home this summer.

What else? My schedule at work plus the 5 week foray into french is going to suck. It's going to cut down on my surfing schedule a lot. I still plan on getting in at least 4 surfs a week, but last year I was really close to once a day, so its a big decrease. (Yeah I realize that's a ridiculous complaint and proves how spoiled I am)... I'm disappointed in the summer concert parade through sd, but maybe it will get better... All that money I'm making this summer is going to be spent on crap that doesn't interest me (sheets, pots and pans, cocaine, and tuition)... Alright what's going to be good about summer, what are my summer objectives:::

End my blob-esque existence
Get to somewhere around 20 miles a week (yeah I know some can do that without trying)
Average 4 surfs a week
Imporve surfing skills
Do a few open water miles
Develop some sort of workout that isn't just running/surfing
no crap tv, more pbs and cspan (push my elitism to its brink)
end the aim habit (more possible than ever because of a lack of enablers this summer)
an a in french
more reading

*maybe with everyone gone and a new school next year I will actually have some fucking NOVELTY come September

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Maybe others have known about this but I sure didn't. Everyone needs to read her entire site, so you can appreciate why I hate being a transfer student. (damn I'm elitist). But just read her letter... This is all really painful.


ahhhh hhh ahh

I feel unsettled. This is the week I need to go to the beach the most but it's alos the week that gives me the least chances see the beach.

$ish months